I can’t read any smaller than 10.5pt. Fortunately, these tricks let me fit exactly three 80-column windows of a 10.5pt font on my 1920x1080 monitor.


(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Consolas" :height 105)

Three windows 78 columns each screenshot

Without Fringes

(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Consolas" :height 105)
(set-fringe-style 0)

Three windows 79 columns each screenshot

Without Truncation and Wrap Characters

The truncation glyph indicates truncated lines and defaults to $; the wrap glyph indicates wrapped lines and defaults to \. We can squeeze in an 80th character by using this hack to ‘get rid of them’:

(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family "Consolas" :height 105)
(set-fringe-style 0)
;; Seting these to newlines makes one extra character fit on each line.
;; I don't know why this works; it may break in the future.
(let ((newline-glyph (make-glyph-code ?\n)))
  (set-display-table-slot standard-display-table 'truncation newline-glyph)
  (set-display-table-slot standard-display-table 'wrap newline-glyph))

Three windows 80 columns each screenshot